Next Issue (Vol. 1 No. 1)
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Sekretariat Jurnal IJOA
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Indonesian Journal of Acupuncture (IJOA), with registered number ISSN 3025-8405 (Online), is a scientific journal published by HAKTI Indonesian Acupuncture Therapists Association. Indonesian Journal of Acupuncture publishes scientific articles such as Case Studies, Literature Studies, and Research Reports related to various aspects of science in the field of Acupuncture, Acupressure, Moxibution, Tuina and Herbs Medicine. We welcome all of experts, practitioners, and academicians to submit their articles.
Publication schedule: April and October
This journal publishes scientific papers that discuss the results of research studies and literature reviews as well as the latest issues and trends occurring.
HAKTI : Indonesian Acupuncture Therapists Association
Graha Mochtar Wijayakusuma Akupunktur
Jl. Adiyaksa Raya Blok L No.12A, Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan-12440 Telp./Fax.: 021-7655038 / 7690561
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